
Super Iron Man! Recreating the look of Daxi

2019/04/22 16:57
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Any mention of Daxi and most people immediately think of the town’s quaint old street and Daxi’s mouthwatering dried tofu. Most visitors to Daxi stop in the sightseeing area to the east of Dahan River and the more developed city center. Few people are aware that the Taiwanese government launched a 10-year policy in the sixties, which transformed Daxi into a boomtown and major exporter of steel.

In the 1970s, after graduating from elementary school, steel artist Cai Wu-xiong (蔡武雄), left Nantou Zhushan for the North and got a job in a steel factory thanks to his cousin’s introduction. On retirement from the factory, Cai Wu-xiong began creating art with steel. Cai Wuxiong’s son, Cai Yi-xun (蔡奕勳), realized that his father’s series of creations were closely related to Taoyuan’s culture and presented a visual timeline of the area. He decided to hold activities centered around his father and the steel industry, exhibiting his father’s artwork from recent years. He hopes the events will familiarize locals and outsiders alike with Daxi’s old industries and keep the local history alive.









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