
Taiwan’s last handmade inkstick master

2018/08/09 15:35
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PeoPo推 0

Despite being hidden away in the alleys of Sanchong, Taiwan’s last remaining handmade inkstick factory is easily detectable from the faint smell of ink and relentless pounding. Early each morning, the master cooks up the raw materials and places piece after piece of steamed black ink into a roller machine. After the addition of pine soot and musk, the ink is repeatedly pressed and kneaded at a temperature of 40 degrees to complete the preliminary preparation.

During the long process, which requires a combination of speed, strength, and accuracy, beating out the ink balls is undoubtedly the most backbreaking part. The ink is placed into bags to maintain a steady temperature, and once placed into the mold, the master will knead the ink again to ensure it contains no excess air pockets. Despite their dainty appearance, production of the inksticks requires a significant amount of skill and a laboriously complicated process before even beginning the subsequent drying process, which alone requires a considerable amount of time and effort. This last remaining handmade inkstick factory in Taiwan is striving to promote traditional skills and hopes that the master’s black hands can protect a 2500-year Chinese calligraphy tradition.







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