
Removing invasive tree frogs to guard native species

2018/07/03 18:19
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With a rich variety of flora and fauna covering a vast area of land, Taichung Metropolitan Park is a fantastic place for ecological observations. Since 2012, teachers and students from National Dong Hwa University have been monitoring the alien spot-legged tree frog and making a detailed report of different frog species in the area. In addition to the participation of amphibian-loving volunteers, members of the public are also encouraged to attend tours of the park with the hope of raising awareness about the importance of ecological conservation.

In recent years, there has been a gradual increase in spot-legged tree frog numbers, which is seriously threatening Taiwan's native ecological chain. After many years of monitoring by teachers and students from National Dong Hwa University, it has been discovered that in some cases, it is possible to stop alien tree frog species from reproducing in such large numbers. In the future, through habitat conservation, it is hoped that Polypedates braueri, Taiwan’s own tree frog species, will have a chance of returning to its native habitat.  


台中都會公園佔地廣闊 ,園區內動植物多樣,是觀察生態最佳場所。自2012年起,東華大學師生開始監測外來種斑腿樹蛙,詳實紀錄蛙類消長變化,除了兩棲類保育志工參與,還開放給民眾報名,藉由現場解說親身體驗,明瞭生態保育的重要性。





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