
PeoPo CJ News Anchors – You Report, You Anchor

2018/04/07 15:49
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Since its establishment in 2007, PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform has been encouraging citizen journalists to report on public issues and stories in their local communities. In March, PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform launched “One-Day CJ News Anchor,” inviting exceptional CJs to come to the studio and anchor for the day, introducing their own news stories directly to the audience.

“You Report, You Anchor – Covering Local Stories That Matter,” encapsulates the essence of One-Day CJ News Anchor, which aims to raise the visibility of CJs behind the lens and give them an opportunity to meet viewers face-to-face. One-Day CJ News Anchor will take place once a month in conjunction with an interview on PeoPo Webcast, allowing viewers to get to know PeoPo CJs across the length of Taiwan and hear their thoughts and experiences about participating in citizen journalism. Please tune in to provide your support and encouragement for PeoPo’s One-Day CJ News Anchor!



「自己的新聞自己報,用鏡頭報導地方大小事」,是一日公民新聞主播最主要的活動意義,希望讓隱藏在鏡頭背後的公民記者,能夠有機會被更多人看見。一日公民新聞主播活動每個月將進行一次,並且搭配PeoPo Webcast節目的訪談,讓觀眾朋友可以更認識分布在台灣各地的PeoPo公民記者,以及他們參與公民新聞的心路歷程和收獲感想,敬請大家給予一日公民新聞主播更多的支持與鼓勵。





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