
[CyberFair 2018]台灣牛蒡精品在歸來 (第一篇) - 訪問陳建行先生話歸來牛蒡摘要

2018/03/08 00:42
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 [CyberFair 2018]台灣牛蒡精品在歸來 (第一篇) - 訪問陳建行先生話歸來牛蒡摘要

 [CyberFair 2018]Our main findings from Interview with Mr. Chen about Gueilai burdock industry

by Pingtung Gueilai Elementary School Team 2018



1. At Gueilai, it is the promised land for planting burdock.




The soil

The soil of Gueilai is very special. It is soft, well-drained and with good moisture retention. It belongs to the silt loam. Silt means a fine sand texture and loam belongs to the soil. This is our advantage, and we want to know the differences of burdock between us and others?

The temperature

Burdock is very strange. When the temperature is above 25 degrees, the burdock will stop growing. We have to analyze our strengths and constraints. We found that we can plant Gueilai burdock only once a year.That is, when the temperature is below 25 degrees, burdock can be planted at Gueilai.

Our chance

Our advantage is that the weather in Japan is not the same as it in Taiwan. When Japan is still snowing,  spring has already come in Taiwan. When Gueilai burdock can be harvested, Japan's snow has not yet melted. This is our chance.

2. 在歸來,牛蒡是一個精心的策畫!

2. At Gueilai, burdock is a elaborate planning!





We found that Gueilai burdock is not the same as others. We have to make sure that the product is discernible on the market so that its value can be highlighted. So at that time, we used the most original name of burdock, Delisen to be the brand name of Gueilai burdock. We hope that the Gueilai burdock synonymous is Dlisen. Gueilai is really the earliest origin of burdock in Taiwan. While shaping our brand, we import SOP into planting burdock. SOP is standard operating processes and we expect that agriculture will also have standard operating procedures. In August, burdock fields should be planted with Sesbania to improve the soil, and Sesbania will be pushed down and cover it with soil by September of the same year. Burdock will then be planted. Every time and steps are standardized.


When we began to shape our value, we started to research and development from a consumer perspective. We were the first to sell small packages of burdock in Taiwan. We cut the size of the burdock. The length of the burdock can be the same as the size of a normal refrigerator. So it is convenient for customers to keep it in the refrigerator. Now you can still see a whole root burdock for sales in the supermarket. We begin to increase the value of burdock. If the value of burdock can be raised, the income of the farmer will increase. So farmers will be willing to plant it. After SWOP analysis, we started to make adjustments in the industrial structure. We are not only engaged in agricultural production, but also in burdock processing. Slowly through the brand, we do some marketing activities.

Actually, we really think about Gueilai burdock from a long-term perspective when actually making adjustments to the industrial structure at that time. When we started planning the burdock industry in 1998, we have formulated a five-year plan for the development of the burdock industry in 2000. In the five-year development plans, we wanted to increase our industry values, introduce the industry intellectual property rights for upgrading our industry, develop processing technology and make progress toward the sixth industry.



For the production amount of burdock, from the production of one man to the Production and Marketing Group of thirteen individuals, the production is thirteen times. Originally, I could only sell burdock to an object. Now, I could sell burdock to thirteen objects. My production amount increased, and this is the purpose of our Production and Marketing Group. In the traditional farming of the past, we must rely on our own. The sowing efficiency is not high because there is not so much manpower. Now, what to do? From these years, we buy a lot of agricultural machinery of production. Because of the purchase of these devices, we carry out man-machine dispatch. Now we have to plant burdock by the schedule arranged in the calendar. On Monday, we help group member A. On Tuesday, we come to help group member B. We make good plans, and we will have someone to operate the machine to carry out the mission of man-machine dispatch. The plan of planting is complete and well-arranged in our calendar. The cultivation plan is done very carefully.


3.At Gueilai, burdock is more than agriculture products.



The main cost of organic production is that you must put more control costs, but you receive limited results. It is the biggest cost. Although chemical fertilizers should be used only 40 kilograms, I use 80 kilograms.  Burdock absorbs chemical fertilizers quickly, and the yield can be improved. However, if we want to get the same effect by using 400 kg of organic fertilizer, its effectiveness cannot be as good as chemical fertilizers. For prevention and control, the biggest difference between no use of highly toxic pesticides and use of pesticides is that no use of highly toxic pesticides fails to significantly improve the production amount, which means that my cost is more but have relatively less of our harvest.



The main purpose of our semi-finished products processing depends on the purpose of our customers. In our analysis, we found that the leaves of burdock have many antioxidant components. Nowadays, people suffer from many civilized diseases such as cancer and diabetes mellitus, and they must rely on these free radical scavengers to prevent cancer.

These nutritional supplements require product development in this area. Therefore, among the semi-finished products, such as leaf extraction, we can extract glucose and polyphenols from burdock leaves. It can be used in health food products and can be sold to pharmaceutical companies and biotech plants as raw materials for healthcare products.



In fact, we have been engaged in some burdock processing all these years. We do not only produce burdock, but also burdock tea, burdock crisps, burdock sencha, burdock floss, burdock vinegar and  burdock enzyme. After the diversification of the processing of burdock products, farmers income will be more.


4.At Gueilai, burdock is more than agriculture.



What can he do after getting the whole root burdock, if he wants to produce burdock drink?What should he do after getting the whole root burdock, if he wants to make healthy products capsules? We are targeting every kind industry for raw material needs of burdock, we develop a set of equipment to meet the needs of end customers. If you want to make a burdock drink, I will give you burdock liquid to add to your drink rightly. If you want to make brewing drink, I made burdock powder for you. If you have to make burdock tea, I will give you burdock flakes or strips.



Do you know how burdock grows when it gets bitten? Its shape is just like that of  Korean ginseng. Korean ginseng has long feet. Burdock, after being bitten by insects, is a large-size Korean ginseng. It is sometimes hard for you to give away it to others.

Because I used to study in biotechnology in the past, we have done an analysis and found that as long as it is bitten by the insect, burdock turned out to be more nutritious. Sometimes the leaves of organic vegetables bitten by the insect resulting in the imperfect appearance, but its nutrition becomes rather high. Just as a human wound, it will be healed after cut by the knife which is from their own energy.



In the whole process of production and preservation of processing technology, we have spent the past years to do research, such as the factors that the quality of burdock will be affected, the temperature that results in dehydration, corruption and growing moldy of burdock, the factors that make burdock qualitative change and the best temperature for keeping burdock. So at that time, we did a lot of experimental data monitoring spending NT 1.4 million. We spent a whole year's time in monitoring the refrigerator temperature that is appropriate for storing the burdock. And we made data analysis and research to understand exactly the inside composition change of burdock due to changes in temperature and the impact of qualitative change. We know that burdock is very nutritious things. However, in the process of processing, will there be the qualitative change in burdock? People like to eat burdock, and even microbes also like to eat. If we don’t keep burdock in the refrigerator, it is immediately eaten by microorganisms. So burdock will grow mold, and moisture will be dried. We have to do a lot of research about processing to know at what degrees we can keep burdock in the refrigerator without resulting in spoiled burdock, eaten by microorganisms and loss of nutrients and keep it appropriately.



The real duties of the Production and Marketing Group leader are to participate in the operation of the entire group. He must participate in everything, regardless of the purchase, administration, sales, and production, and he should be involved almost in every kind of strategy. In the past, the days of my grandfather and father, they would say that if you do not study hard, you have nothing to do but go to farming. However, the farmers in the 21st century must study hard before farming. Or you don’t know how to do SWOP analysis, SOP, marketing, sales management, research, and development. Therefore, the main work of the group leader is still planning, assistance, participation, and implementation of the entire group operation. So the work to be done is still full.



5.At Gueilai, the whole body of burdock is all treasure.


我們那時候做綠茶粉,牛蒡也可以做成綠茶粉,大家知道嗎? 它有分老葉與新葉,老葉木質化它做出來的口感,就很差,它有細絨毛,對於胃不好,如果是挑比較細的部分,還沒有產生絨毛,沒有木質化的時候,口感較佳。我們使用低溫凍乾的方式,讓它不要氧化,在低溫的過程中,把它乾燥並磨成粉。只要不到一公克,大概是20毫克,就可以沖500CC的水,而且喝了一杯後,整個上午,就一直流口水,因為它太澀了。它的多酚含量多到,你整個上午一直流口水,就是因為太澀了。因為以前做好後,就試泡一杯試喝,濃度沒有試好。牛蒡的成分皂素,對於潔淨收斂毛孔,是很有幫助的。我們還跟古寶合作,它是有名的個人清潔用品的公司,像是洗面乳洗髮乳沐浴乳,是專門做清潔用品的公司,它把我們牛蒡加到裡面去,我們有牛蒡洗髮精牛蒡手工皂。

We made green tea powder at that time. Do you know green tea powder can also be made of burdock leaves? Burdock has old leaves and new leaves. Green tea powder which is made of the old leaves lignified makes the taste bad and is not good for the stomach. If you pick a relatively new part which has not generated villi and isn’t yet lignified, it will taste better. We use a freeze-dried method that will not oxidize it and then, at low temperatures, dry and grind it. As long as less than one gram, about 20 milligrams, you can drink it after adding 500ml water. After a drink, during the entire morning, I have been drooling because it is too astringent. Its polyphenols content can make you drool all morning because it is too much. It is because I try a cup of drink after it is done. However, the concentration is not perfect. Ingredients of burdock,  saponin, is helpful for cleaning pores. We also work with 5soap, which is a well-known personal cleaning company, specializes in cleaning products and produces shampoo which was added burdock extraction. So we have burdock handmade soap and burdock shampoo.



6. At Gueilai, burdock is a well-designed strategy of industry.




Now, the entire sales strategy of Delisen is that we only sell the best burdock size, L, and M in the market. The other size will not be sold. Because we want to keep Delisen burdock at the highest price in the market, you have always to buy our burdock by using NT 150 dollars. We don’t sell our burdock at other prices to maintain the high price. We take burdock of other sizes for processing, so we can transform burdock into burdock liquid through the research and development of equipment, such as extraction technology, or transform it into burdock filamentous strip for burdock tea powder, which can transform into various types of burdock. By this way, the uneven types of burdock can transform into a uniform size of burdock.


7. 在歸來,牛蒡是世世代代傳承,永續經營的志業

7. At Gueilai, burdock is inherited from generation to generation and the vocation of sustainable development.





When our burdock industry is going to upgrade and develop toward tertiary industries, the primary goal is to make farmers make money. The first development focus of our Production and Marketing Group is to enable farmers to make money, but in the long terms, we want to make the industry forever recycle, so that we will always make money. After this generation earns, the next generation will be able to undertake. So the sustainable development of the industry is the goal that our efforts are made for in the future. Our ultimate goal is to make the sustainable development of burdock industry. Before we achieve this goal, we have to do a lot of things. We have to plant burdock of the best quality, to make our guests feel that we provide friendly sales, and to do the best service. So we now provide recipes for burdock. We teach consumers how to cook burdock and know more about burdock. Through many marketing and service methods, we can make guests feel the goodwill from the production end and the services we provide. Our efforts for the market share is made toward making our market share getting higher and higher.


Delisen can be seen in almost all the marketing channels. For Gueilai burdock, we can see our products in almost all the marketing channels. Whether it is the organic supermarket or supermarket chain, we can see Gueilai burdock. We gradually expand domestic demand in our market, but also expand our market share. Our market share is mainly based on our quality, not the low price. Gueilai burdock has always been the most expensive burdock in Taiwan since we are proud of ourselves that we are the best burdock in Taiwan. In the past few years, Gueilai burdock has been the highest price on the market. Gradually, our market share increases and it depends on the value that is recognized by consumers. Our value lies in the value of the product, burdock and our market share does not depend on the price.





At Gueilai, burdock is a well-planned ideal 20 years ago and at this monent come trues here.

Coming back to Gueilai with dream, how wonderful Gueilai burdock is~





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