Running into the New Year with health and happiness
This year, after taking advice from all sectors of society, Hsinchu County Government chose not to hold costly New Year’s Eve celebrations. Instead, a flag-raising ceremony and public running event were organized for New Year’s Day 2018, donating race registration fees to social welfare groups.
This New Year's Day public welfare event, “Chatime Good Run Good Love,” offered three different distance choices – 3 km, 5 km and 10 km. At the break of dawn, runners set off from Park No. 15 in the direction of the county government, where they attended a flag-raising event. At the end of the event, the sun shone down on all participants, providing the perfect end to a perfect day.
Changing the usual New Year's Eve celebration party into a New Year's Day road-running event is extremely meaningful, not to mention a lot healthier. Hopefully, all sections of society will at least consider the merits of such a change and whether this novel idea should be promoted further afield.
新竹縣政府在社會各界的反應建議下,在2017年的最後一天沒有舉辦如往年 要花很多經費的跨年晚會,而是舉辦了在2018年第一天的升旗典禮及公益路跑活動,並將民眾參加路跑的報名費盈餘捐給社福團體。
今年元旦的「日出迎新 為愛兒跑」公益路跑活動,分為 3公里、 5公里及 10公里等三組,清晨由15號公園慢跑到縣政府,參加升旗及路跑活動路跑活動,看到陽光出來了就代表今天的公益路跑是非常的圓滿、非常的順利。