
Laughing straw cows – Happy kids – Clean air

2017/12/26 12:57
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In a bid to reduce air pollution, rice farmers are being encouraged to desist from burning rice straw and instead find value in its potential for creative artwork. Chiayi Environmental Protection Bureau has teamed up with Buffalo Hut Rice Straw Workshop Studio (水牛厝稻草工作坊) to raise a straw art event called “Chaiyi Loves Rice Straw –Buffaloes Love Mazes,” creating the largest rice-straw maze in Chaiyi. The event uses various games to promote the recycling of rice straw and prevent the open-air burning of straw, which severely affects air quality. 


Rice is the most widely cultivated crop in Chiayi, covering an area of 32,000 hectares – ranked 3rd in the country. Each year, the 160,000 tons of rice straw waste produced by rice cultivation around the county has been traditionally burnt open-air by farmers, causing air pollution and billowing thick smoke that even endangers traffic safety. With a gradual deterioration in air quality over recent years, the environmental protection bureau has begun trying to safeguard air quality and the health of county residents by raising environmental awareness and urging citizens to protect the earth through sustainable forms of agriculture.








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