Trash to treasure – delivering warmth to rural communities
You’re probably very familiar with ordinary banks, but have you heard of a toy bank? This bank specializes in recycling toys donated by members of the public. Donated old toys are revived through a multi-stage process manned by volunteers and “toy doctors.”The revamped toys are then transported to rural communities in the organization's very own toy delivery van, bringing warmth to the lives of many kids.
Once broken toys have been fixed by the nimble-fingered “toy doctors,” they travel together with other recycled toys through a system of cleaning, classification, and delivery, before finally being returned to the hands of kids; transformed from trash to treasure, the toys are oozing with eco-friendliness and compassion.
Toy doctors aren’t merely recycling resources but also providing a source of joy that is transferred to the kids via the organizations unique toy delivery van. In the future, the toy bank will continue to cooperate with toy doctors and the toy delivery van, providing a little bit of joy to kids in rural villages.
玩具化腐朽為神奇 為偏鄉童送暖