
PeoPo Your Shoot – Caoya’s new food force

2017/11/01 09:52
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   Caoya is small town surrounded by an industrial zone in the Qianzhen District of Kaohsiung. Like many places today, the outflow of young people from the area has resulted in an ageing population. In an attempt to address this problem, Kaohsiung City Government provided the local area with land on which to establish an urban farm for elderly residents, which today attracts 300 applications a year for 41 garden plots. With the assistance of Kaohsiung First Community University, elderly residents have been able to acquire the necessary skills to grow organic veggies, which has helped to build camaraderie in the community through the exchange of ideas, farm produce, and skills, producing a real-life “Happy Farm.” Produce from the urban farm is given free of charge to the local community development association, which cares for local elderly residents by providing outreach services like meals-on-wheels. In addition, Kaohsiung First Community University also utilizes idle classrooms in Xingren Junior High School to provide woodwork classes, giving an opportunity for people to learn woodwork skills and produce of all kinds of wood-related products.



PeoPo踹拍 草衙新食力





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