
Human thinking holds key to leopard cat survival

2017/10/03 11:05
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PeoPo推 2

With only 500 estimated to be remaining in Taiwan, the leopard cat is an endangered species. As a carnivorous animal, the leopard cat not only eats wild animals, etc. but also steals chickens raised by farmers, resulting in the trapping and poisoning of countless leopard cats over many years. To make matters worse, countless road-widening and development projects have led to a decrease in the leopard cat’s habitat. 

In an effort to reduce conflict between leopard cats and the livelihoods of villagers, conservationists from the academic community visited villages located within leopard cat habitat to launch “Leopard Cat Rice” - 3% of sales will go into a fund for the conservation of leopard cats, which will help to compensate  the losses of farmers who have had chickens killed. It is also hoped that selling “Leopard Cat Rice” will bring awareness to the plight of these enigmatic wild cats and get more people involved in this important conservation work.


石虎存亡關鍵 人類一念之間






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