
Your Shoot visits the model eco-community of Dingzhuang

2017/10/03 11:02
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PeoPo推 0

On the 23rd of September, PeoPo’ Your Shoot rallied the CJ troops for a visit to Dingzhuang Community in Chiayi City. The community has not only designed a layered pond system to filter household grey water for use on crops in its urban farm but also makes efficient use of kitchen waste and spent tea leaves via a novel composting system. On top of all this, the community’s work in restoring the local rhinoceros beetle population and ecology has won it countless awards as a model eco-community.


This latest Your Shoot event led over 70 citizen journalists into Dingzhuang to share its community building success through the lens. One citizen journalist said that witnessing such a selfless group of volunteers dedicated to the community had left a deep impression. Another commented on the excellent joint collaboration between the community and the local elementary and junior high schools, through which local kids are trained as community tour guides. In addition to encouraging local youth to participate in and show concern for the community, the program also ensures that the kids are familiar with local ecology issues and have the courage to express themselves in front of large crowds.


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