
Diving to a dream

2017/07/05 11:38
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PeoPo推 1

Now in its fourth year, this very special five-day-four-night scuba diving training camp is composed of students with physical disabilities, low vision or hearing impairments. All eleven people so far trained through the camp to the 4-Star Diver certification level, including ten with hearing impairments and one with a physical disability, attended this year's camp to provide assistance to other participating students.

In any training activity, especially connected with scuba diving, safety comes first; therefore, in addition to an assistant coach, each student must also have a volunteer to accompany them. Chen Ke-cheng (陳克誠), who has served as head coach at the training camp for the last four years, emphasized that the requirements for this group of students is no different to any other group and that there is absolutely no leniency simply because of disabilities. Sun Hui-ting (孫惠婷), a sign language translator from Pingtong and the person responsible for the very important work of translating during the training process, was so deeply moved during her participation in the activity two years ago that she set her mind on learning to scuba dive and got a license.

It is not always easy for those affected by physical and mental disabilities to move forward in life; however, with a personal assistant provided alongside access to specialized facilities, this five-day-four-night diving training camp is, in the words of head coach Chen Ke-cheng, “providing an important start.” The subsequent training and guidance are where the real journey begins and students are challenged to overcome their deepest fears.

Diving to a dream

URL: https://www.peopo.org/news/339873









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