
RURAL facilitates educational assistance in rural communities

2017/06/14 11:02
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PeoPo推 1

The RURAL platform specializes in rural education and creating mass fundraising initiatives. Connecting rural communities with the rest of society, the platform encourages rural communities to post local needs to which enthusiastic teachers can reply, allowing people to do service in rural schools in exchange for accommodation. Each rural school has a unique character and flavor, so in addition to teaching at the school, teachers also benefit from getting to know about local cultures. For example, some schools use natural farming to grow their own vegetables and fruit, which helps teach students the importance of cherishing food and provides them with an understanding of the hardship farmers must endure.

RURAL reduces the distance between urban areas and local communities, providing a channel for teachers to give back to society through sharing their knowledge. By dint of the Internet, RURAL is not only helping bring visibility to educational needs in rural communities and raising resources for small schools, but also providing a bridge for enthusiastic individuals to express their spirit of service.

RURAL facilitates educational assistance in rural communities



鹿樂RURAL平台 近距離協助偏鄉教育





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