
Reversing stereotypes – Compassion of new immigrants in Taiwan

2017/05/24 14:06
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PeoPo推 0

Taiwan’s new immigrant population is close to 500,000, with Vietnamese people accounting for roughly 90,000. Vietnamese cafes are visible on streets the length and breadth of Taiwan but many of these new immigrants are stereotyped as simply being here for the money, or as a vulnerable group. Intent on reversing such stereotypes, new immigrant, Ruan Qing-shui (阮清水), began spreading kindness to others in cooperation with Sanchong District Office in New Taipei City. Each Wednesday afternoon, Miss Ruan can be seen busily rushing around delivering “compassion lunches” to elderly people in the area who are living alone. 

Miss Ruan also makes and teaches gelatin flower art, empowering people in vulnerable positions with a skill in which to make a living. What’s more, she donates all the money she makes from sales of her gelatin flower art to vulnerable groups or international disaster relief. Miss Ruan hopes that through this she is not only helping Taiwanese people but also doing her bit for the international community. Providing “compassion lunches”, creating gelatin flower art, and even collecting second-hand clothes to send back to Vietnam are all ways that Miss Ruan tries to help others, not only proving that new immigrants can not be stereotyped as a vulnerable group, but also that they care about helping others. 

Reversing stereotypes – Compassion of new immigrants in Taiwan



扭轉刻板印象 新住民在台做愛心







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