
Long-term carers demand more – Contradiction between employers and migrant workers’ rights

2017/05/16 15:39
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Last year’s third and final reading of Article 52 of the Employment Services Act (就業服務法), which removed a requirement for foreign workers to return to their home country every three years for at least one day, was hailed as improving the rights of migrant workers. However, migrant worker groups believed that in light of the current brokerage system and the serious limitations on migrant workers’ rights, it was necessary to take to the streets in protest on the eve of Workers’ Day in the hope that the government will implement its commitment to protect migrant workers. 

The current private employment brokerage system is not only full of tedious red tape and costly, but because of its excessive reliance on private brokers, the standard of employers varies greatly; therefore, it is difficult to protect the rights of migrant workers. Coupled with the existing laws and regulations that forbid migrant workers from freely switching employers or resigning within three years of starting the contract, there is still a large disparity between the rights of migrant workers and ordinary Taiwanese workers.  

After the procession, the Ministry of Labor refused to process the demands on grounds that “employers have requirements”. Clearly, the demand for basic labor rights still has a long way to go for the 600,000-strong foreign worker population.

Long-term carers demand more – Contradiction between employers and migrant workers’ rights



長照需求漸增 雇主移工權益矛盾







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