
“Goodwill” steamed buns – You buy steamed buns and we’ll deliver goodwill!

2017/05/11 12:00
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PeoPo推 0

Located in the Zhongzheng District of Tapei City, Yongchang is an old community where over-sixty-fives account for fifteen percent of the population and many are in need of extra care. On the last Thursday of each month at Yongchang Evergreen Club, which is situated in an alley off Ningbo West Street, a group of local silver-haired volunteers has been producing hand-made “goodwill buns”, the proceeds of which have been reinvested into the community to fund free lunch boxes for elderly people living alone. At the activity center, which is supported by an incredible 30-strong local volunteer group that enthusiastically participates in all local activities and giving back to the community, elderly attendees can relax and enjoy drinking tea, chatting with friends, playing Chinese chess and reading newspapers.

“Goodwill” steamed buns – You buy steamed buns and we’ll deliver goodwill!



福氣饅頭 你買饅頭我們送便當 你送愛心我們送福氣





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