
Uncompromising in the face of bullying - dwarfism sufferer turns life around through religion

2017/05/08 12:14
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PeoPo推 1

Student at the CJCU’s Department of Accounting and Information System, Lin Ya-ci (林雅慈), has been suffering from pituitary dwarfism since early childhood. In the past, differences in her external appearance made her the target of repeated bullying. In the face of great pressure and frustration, she threw herself into religion and began using a positive mental attitude to approach life. Embracing this new life, she overcame all kinds of obstacles to become an indispensable part of every group and club on the campus. 

In spite of the fact that she appears much shorter than others, Lin Ya-ci has always believed that: “Every person is a perfect creation of God.” She feels that everyone should treat those with physical disabilities no different from anyone else, refrain from giving them any special sympathy, and not look at them strangely. With the help of her faith, Lin Ya-ci has managed to transcend many inner demons and transform herself into a cheery self-confident young woman, who positively affects all those around her. She hopes her own story will help people understand that physical defects are no reason to hinder one’s life and that we alone determine the height to which we reach.

Uncompromising in the face of bullying - dwarfism sufferer turns life around through religion 



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