
PeoPo’s Your Shoot visits Taixi’s “Dream Village”

2017/04/26 14:11
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PeoPo’s Your Shoot visits Taixi’s “Dream Village” 

Nationwide annual events organized by PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform encourage citizen journalists to pick up a camera and get involved in public affairs, recording the stories that matter to local communities. For this years’ second Your Shoot event, the PeoPo team visited Taixi Village in Changhua’s Dacheng Township, where the close proximity to Formosa Plastics Group’s Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project has resulted in extremely dire air pollution. Additional issues of an aging population and a serious outflow of young people mean that only a collaborative effort can safeguard the community’s future development. 

Taixi Village began attracting interest from the outside world following the publication of “When the South Wind Blows”, a long-term photographic record of the village by photographers Hsu Cheng-tang (許震唐) and Chung Sheng-hsiung (鐘聖雄). Fortunately, the crisis exposed in the publication has been a catalyst for change in the village, attracting investment from a large foodstuff entrepreneur aimed at transforming the village and creating a better future. Marching forward on this journey behind the slogan “Dream Village”, this year, the village has spared no effort in its community-wide initiative to inject new life into the area, including establishing Taixi Image Museum; renting land to plant thousands of neem trees; renting houses to offer work-exchange programs; providing free medical consultations; and staging various performances. Through capturing all these captivating local stories through the lens and spreading them far and wide, citizen journalists hope to play their part in attracting public awareness to these important local issues. 



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