
Traveling far and wide to provide mobile barbering service

2017/04/12 09:27
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For decades, at around 9 am each day, Li Hong-sen (李紅森) has been putting on his motorcycle helmet – which has “Barber – Home Visit Service” emblazoned across the front - and riding from Yangmei to the towns of Zhongli, Taoyuan, and Pingzhen etc., where he meets up with clients who have made an appointment with him. On top of this, Li Hong-sen also regularly visits Tao-Yuan General Hospital, where he provides his grooming services to patients. In spite of fierce competition from countless new barber shops and a continual decline in Li Hong-sen’s clients, his spirit of dedication has remained unwavering and he regularly travels 20 to 30km to cut the hair of just one client. 

Though Li Hong-sen began apprenticing with a professional barber at the tender age of just fifteen, he went to work in a factory some years later and relegated barbering to a sideline occupation. Convenient, many neighbors ask for his help and countless people who have used Li Hong-sen’s barbering services become acquainted with his style and turn into long-term clients. It is the pleasure Li Hong-sen takes from developing new skills that provide him with a deep sense of accomplishment and also motivated him to initiate his mobile barber service. 

At fifty-seven years old, Li Hong-sen decided to give up his factory work in order to fully concentrate on his barbering profession. To this end, he modified an old motorcycle and loaded up all the tools of his trade including scissors, cushions, and towels, transforming himself into a real life “mobile barber”. Li Hong-sen has been riding throughout Taoyuan and cutting hair each day now for over thirty years.

Li Zhao-nan (李照男), a regular client of Li Hong-sen for the past three decades, said that Li Hong-sen’s optimistic attitude to work and life has helped keep him fit as a fiddle and clear headed, so why would he want to retire? At Yang Mei’s Ten-Chen hospital, Li Hong-sen has a number of patients that rely on his barbering service, many of who have established a solid friendship with him.

Traveling far and wide to provide mobile barbering service 



行動理髮師 不辭千里剪頭毛








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