
Recreating Zhonghe’s beauty in the riverside park beneath Xiulang Bridge

2017/03/14 11:20
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After completion of the Xiulang section on the MRT circular line, New Taipei City Government embarked on a program to revitalize the riverside park below Xiulang Bridge. Following discussions with local elders and the borough chief, the former construction site was tidied and piles of construction materials moved to make way for a public art installation called ‘Eight Views of Zhonghe’. The installation has encouraged many local people to come and enjoy this beautiful green space beside the river. 

In the past, before Xiulang Bridge was built, ferries transported people and goods across the river, and so it seemed only fitting that the former site of Jian-shan ferry terminals (尖山晚渡) below Xiulang bridge became a part of the ‘Eight Views of Zhonghe’. Though the historical story behind the ‘Eight Views of Zhonghe’ has faded in the sands of time, this new installation has replaced the chaotic construction site and abandoned building materials with a spacious and inviting space that is attracting increasing numbers of residents to come for relaxation and fun. It is also hoped that the new ‘Eight Views of Zhonghe’ installation will have the added benefit of bringing awareness to the area’s rich cultural heritage and history.

Recreating Zhonghe’s beauty in the riverside park beneath Xiulang Bridge



秀朗橋下河濱公園 再現中和八景






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