
Local artist injects fresh vitality into the community

2017/03/14 11:16
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PeoPo推 0

On entering the village of Houyi just behind Chiayi City Railway Station, one is met by a spectacular array of beautiful murals by the local artist Huang Jin-fu (黃進福). Originally, Huang Jin-fu made a living by doing odd jobs in the area, but thanks to an introduction to Houyi Community Development Association by his old junior high classmate, Xu Ming-xian (徐明賢), he is now part of an enthusiastic team working to revamp the local community. Huang Jin-fu’s task is to reinvigorate the jaded old community of Houli through infusing a cultural and artistic atmosphere; with a steady stream of visitors now visiting Houyi, it is clear that Huang Jin-fu’s nimble-fingered work has been a roaring success. After gaining the wholehearted support of local residents, Huang Jin-fu has decided to continue painting murals in the community and slowly developing his artistry; one day he hopes to realize his dream of becoming a professional muralist.

Local artist injects fresh vitality into the community 



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