
No road home for rejected Shiwen Village residents

2017/03/08 16:28
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Last September, Typhoon Morandi caused a number of devastating disasters across Taiwan, including a serious landslide on County Highway 146, halfway up the mountain in the direction of Shiwen Village. The landslide has caused a great deal of inconvenience to the residents of Shiwen Village in Chenri Township. Director-General of Shiwen Village Development Association, Wang Yu-ru (王玉如), said that six months have already elapsed since the landslide occurred and Pingtung County Department of Public Works has only visited the scene once, to which there has been no follow-up news. In order to commute to work and school, the severed road has meant that Shiwen’s 400-plus villagers are forced to traverse a perilous mountain road which is devoid of streetlights or asphalt and only covered with a layer of cement. In a bid to address the situation, Wang Yu-ru took the initiative of clearing a scooter-sized path along the road to ensure residents at least had a safe way in and out of the village.  

Recently, the village set up a self-help group and has not ruled out the possibility of taking up protest action. It is hoped that the county government will become more proactive and begin understanding the plight of its citizens, instead of visiting once and failing to provide any follow-up news. Employee for Pingtung County Department of Public Works contractor Lin Zi-yang (林子陽) said: ‘Repairs on County Highway 146 will cost around NT$150 million (US$4.8 million). Application for the budget has already been passed and the construction period will take three months’. With regard to villagers’ feedback on the lack of streetlights on the mountain road, Lin Zi-yang advises villagers to approach the township office for a response. Mr. Lin added that should the township office have difficulties raising such funds then residents should approach the county government, to which the safety of citizens is always a top priority. 

No road home for rejected Shiwen Village residents 



有家但無路可回 士文村民拒當二等公民






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