
Villagers desperate for government maintenance of local wetland park

2017/02/21 13:41
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The location of Taiyuan Wetland Park was formerly home to Taiyuan Elementary School, a small branch school. In 2007, the then legislator Pan Men-an (潘孟安) - currently Pingtung County Commissioner – visited the area and was highly impressed by its beauty. He raised NT$13 million from the central government to construct a wetland park and give local residents a recreational space with educational value.

Following its completion, many locals visited the park each day for leisurely strolls and to enjoy themselves. Even visitors from outside the locality came to take pictures of the park. Unfortunately, locals have been left dismayed by the poor level of park maintenance and have repeatedly approached the village chief and township office to relay their dissatisfaction – sadly, their grievances have fallen on deaf ears and the problem has yet to rectified. Mr. Zheng, an employee in the Construction Section, Fangliao Township Office, said: “We never received any notification from Taiyuang Village Office. The township office continuously has funds available for the maintenance of township parks. We will send someone over to make inspections in the coming days.” Calls were made to Taiyuan Village Office but there was no answer; therefore, the village chief’s version of events is unknown. 

Mrs. Pan, a local resident said: “With two ponds and the whole place overgrown with weeds, we don’t let the children play at the wetland park anymore. I can’t imagine what would happen if one of the kids got bitten by a poisonous snake. What’s more, the water doesn't flow anymore and has become stagnant, becoming a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. We hope that the government department responsible will deal with the situation as soon as possible.”

Villagers desperate for government maintenance of local wetland park 



濕地公園 毒蛇出沒 村民盼公所維護







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