
Hakka Spring Lantern Festival - Sindingban Festival

2017/02/21 13:32
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In different regions of the country, celebrations for Spring Lantern Festival take on unique expressions - sky lanterns in the north, beehive firecrackers in the south, and Sindingban Festival in central Taiwan. Sindingban Festival is a traditional folk event that has been celebrated in the Dongshih Hakka villages of Taichung City for over a century. Since time immemorial, Hakka people have been making ‘Sindingban’ – a kind of large rice cake – to celebrate Spring Lantern Festival. Today, however, in addition to these delicious traditional rice cakes, festivities also include a street parade and distinctive local DIY activities to attract tourists, making for a very lively scene.

Sindingban are actually the ‘red tortoise cakes’ talked of by the people of Fujian in mainland China. In Dongshih, however, a bean filling is used to complement the soft outer skin, after which the cakes are placed into a hand press and imprinted with an exquisite tortoise pattern; in fact, hidden behind this apparently simple dessert lies a very complicated process. So for next Spring Lantern Festival, instead of gazing at sky lanterns or letting off beehive firecrackers, why not head on down to the beautiful Dongshih Hakka villages and enjoy the hospitality of Hakka people, making the legendary ‘Sindingban’ cakes and celebrating the festival together with other revelers in the street parade. 

Hakka Spring Lantern Festival - Sindingban Festival









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