
The Unique “Baibo” Ceremony in Shengou

2017/01/25 18:08
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On the 26th day of the 12th month in the lunar calendar, the traditional day on which year-end dinner parties for employees are commonly held, the farmers of Shengou Village in Yilan’s Yuanshan Township are busily preparing sacrificial offerings for worship. On the opposite side of Lanyang River on the embankment, staff members are responsible for arranging the ceremonial table and inviting the deities to take their place.   

The day, which is known as “Baibo”, is unique to Shengou and an annual day of worship in the village. According to legend, in the era of Japanese rule, the Lanyang River rose dramatically and bordered on breaching its banks one year. The chief of the village and a few people climbed up onto the embankment where they kneeled on the ground and begged the deities to help; mysteriously, the wind direction changed and the water slowly receded. Ever since that miraculous day, villagers have annually gathered on the embankment to worship “Baibo”, thanking the deities for their protection over the past year. At this year’s event, 5th-grade students, parents, and teachers from Shengou Elementary School were in attendance, injecting new life into this age-old festival. The day is not only to thank the deities for their protection but also to remind us to cherish the environment and not underestimate the power of nature.

The Unique “Baibo” Ceremony in Shengou









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