
‘The Belief Project’ – Kids build their dream paradise

2017/01/03 17:27
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A confined environment and family imbalances lead to difficulties in the lives of countless children in Chiayi’s Xinxiang Township. When Hsin Kang Foundation of Culture and Education saw the predicament of these children it began promoting the Belief Project and other community-based programs to give these vulnerable children the opportunity of realizing their dreams. In addition to volleyball, farming, dance and other courses, the program also teaches kids how to play in a band, fostering a broad range of interests that help kids develop their lives in a diverse range of fields. The Belief Project fully believes in the ability of children to grow and transform even in rural areas. With a variety of courses and the guidance of social workers, teachers, and counselors, the project looks forward to seeing the children flowering and realizing their dreams in the future.

‘The Belief Project’ – Kids build their dream paradise 



相信計畫 孩子築夢天堂





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