
A different kind of oil painting: Mother and daughter paint a colorful life together

2016/11/15 17:02
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Cerebral palsy sufferer Song An-ting (宋安莛) is a student at the Department of Fine Arts, Chiang Jung Christian University (長榮大學美術系). Despite her illness, An-ting hasn’t become discouraged with life and instead created countless wonderful oil paintings. An-ting’s mother has continually supported and encouraged her and hopes that An-ting can find color in her life through painting. 

Song An-ting’s cerebral palsy is the result of complications at birth when her umbilical cord became wrapped around her neck and cut off oxygen to her brain, which also caused mental retardation and physical disability. Although therapy has helped Song An-ting overcome her physical barriers to walk, the treatment process has been incredibly tough. Each day An-ting’s mother rides through the campus on a tricycle to take An-ting to and from classes. An-ting’s mother hopes that by dedicating herself to the path of oil painting, her daughter can build character and find some color in her life.

A different kind of oil painting: Mother and daughter paint a colorful life together 



繪出不一樣的油畫 母女一同為人生著色






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