
Environmental theater performance: Untrained actors bring the house down!

2016/11/08 17:23
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The outdoor environmental theater performance ‘The Legend of Keelung Campaign’ (西仔反傳說) depicts the battle between the Qing Dynasty and France in Tamshui. Taking place on weekends in New Taipei City’s Tamsui District, this lively performance has been attracting large numbers of people and won a great deal of applause from audiences. Interestingly, the actors taking part in ‘The Legend of Keelung Campaign’ are all residents from the local area. Tamsui District Office hopes that through public participation, a deep sense of local identity will be aroused in everyone. Participants in the theater performance, who range from seven to eighty years old, have all undergone two months of training by Tansui District Office. It is hoped that locals performing a story about local history will help develop greater community cohesion.

Although the performance has been well received, due to funding restrictions there are rumors that this may be the last outdoor performance and the performance’s scale may need to be reduced. However, in order to bring attention to local history and bring more visibility to Tamsui, the district office greatly hopes that this wonderful environmental theater performance can continue.

Environmental theater performance: Untrained actors bring the house down!



環境劇場演出 素人演員獲得讚賞






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