
Restoration of Chinese ink wash paintings – Repairing ancient cultural artifacts

2016/10/26 11:03
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PeoPo推 0

As a historical art restoration expert, Yeh Hong-yi (葉竑毅) from Taipei’s Shulin District uses his own two hands to painstakingly repair and restore works of art. He accrued more than 30 years of mounting experience at The National Palace Museum, where he was formerly responsible for the restoration of ink wash paintings, recapturing the original elegance of many great works.

Yeh Hong-yi aspires to become a leading authority in his field, teaching others interested in the restoration, protection, mounting and storage of paintings and calligraphy. Through sharing and learning with people of similar interests, Yeh Hong-yi is not only pursuing the great passion of his life, but also using his own unique way to help revive the glory of traditional culture and art for future generations to come.

Restoration of Chinese ink wash paintings – Repairing ancient cultural artifacts 



拼貼還原真跡水墨畫 修繕千古文化





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