
Wenfu Chinese Teaching Volunteer Team helps migrant workers realize dreams

2016/10/18 11:16
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‘My dream is to become a Chinese translator’. These are the words of Li Wen-miao (黎文妙), a young Vietnamese man who has been working in Taiwan for three years. On arrival in Taiwan Li Wen-miao couldn’t speak a word of Chinese, but thanks to enrolling in Fu Jen Chinese Course, today he can communicate in Chinese with ease and fluency. Originally, he had simply wanted to make some money in Taiwan and return back home to help improve his family’s life. However, after finding himself strongly interested in the Chinese language, he resolved to study Chinese in Taiwan to become a Chinese translation officer in Vietnam when he returns home.

Comprised of teachers and students from the Fu Jen Catholic University Department of Chinese Literature, Wenfu Chinese Teaching Volunteer Team (文輔華語文教學志工隊) was established in 2012 with the help of Prof. Zeng Sheng-yi (曾聖益) and Prof. Xu Zhao-yang (許朝陽), two teachers at the university. The volunteers, many of who are students from the department of Chinese literature, raise funds and compile teaching material. The team provides free Chinese language classes to migrant workers in mainly Xinzhuang, Taishan, Linkou, and Shulin etc., 80 percent of who are from Vietnam and 20 percent from Indonesia and the Philippines. Currently, there are 150 students enrolled in the language course, which uses a step-by-step approach to help students pass basic and elementary Chinese language tests.

Wenfu Chinese Teaching Volunteer Team helps migrant workers realize dreams



文輔華語教學 幫助移工完成夢想






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