
Shengji Pavilion – awakening an attitude of respect for words and paper

2016/09/13 15:06
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Located in Taoyuan, Longtan’s Shengji Pavilion(聖蹟亭), which means “literature furnace,” has one hundred and forty years of history. On the third of August of the lunar calendar each year, local residents perform the “Three Consecrations” ceremony(三獻禮) at the shrine, which includes the “Ceremony of Sending Paper Ash(送聖蹟儀式),” an important Hakka festival that pays respect to words and paper. Since the earliest of times, Hakka people have always attached great importance and respect to the written word and collected all literature for burning. Hakka people would never casually throw away such material and a special shrine was established for this very purpose. After incineration, the leftover ash is bagged up and deposited into the river as a symbol of respect. The Ceremony of Sending Paper Ash carries on the Hakka spirit of cherishing the written word and will hopefully heighten respect for paper, an increasingly precious resource. 

Shengji Pavilion – awakening an attitude of respect for words and paper 


送聖蹟 喚起敬字惜紙情





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