
Planting trees along the riverbank – Be a citizen scientist!

2016/09/06 14:52
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In order to foster active citizen scientists, Little Taijiang Reading Club (小台江讀書會) has turned Chianan Canal (嘉南大圳) – which lies adjacent to the school and community – into a “river classroom”, designing a series of programs along the Mountain-to-Sea Canal Greenway Bike Path (山海圳綠道) entitled “Forest Trail Learning”(林徑學習). This course not only familiarizes students with native plants and trees, but also guides them in sprouting, planting saplings and transplanting etc. After tending more than 600 small saplings over the course of three semesters, the students finally planted them out next to Zengwun River watershed (曾文溪排水線). The youngsters are now looking forward to seeing the trees in ten years time, when they will provide a shady green corridoor.         

This year Taijiang Branch of Tainan Community University (台南社大台江分校) has been actively promoting the concept of “citizen scientist,” inviting lecturer Shen Jie-wen (沈介文) to lead school volunteers on ecology courses – “Take a Stroll Along the River” and “Getting to Know West Windbreak” – along the Mountain-to-Sea Canal Greenway Bike Path. The community university has also encouraged teachers and students to regularly walk or cycle along the Mountain-to-Sea Canal Greenway Bike Path throughout the year as a way to guard the river.








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