
From music to healing - Zhensheng Records transforms into health clinic

2016/09/06 14:49
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A dozen or so indigenous folk singers from the sixties and seventies including Cai Meiyun (蔡美雲), Chen Yuxiu (陳育修), Ke A-Xiang (柯阿香), and Qiu Xue-zhen (邱雪貞) recorded some of the hottest selling LPs at Zhensheng Records. Sadly, after half a century since the advent of the digital age, Zhengsheng Records’ range of vinyl records, tapes and cassettes is no longer any match for the digital onslaught and in August this year the shop is scheduled to close. In January 2017, shopowner Wu Xian-zhong’s (吳憲忠) daughter and son-in-law are scheduled to open a health clinic on the site, transforming Zhengsheng Records into Le-en Clinic (樂恩診所).
Fortunately, every cloud has a silver lining and to express their gratitude to family, clients, friends and the many indigenous folk singers, Wu Xian-zhong(吳憲忠) and his wife have already rented a space opposite the shop where the existing collection of music can be housed to keep the music alive long into the future – the proprietors warmly welcome everyone to drop in and reminisce on the good old days. 

From music to healing - Zhensheng Records transforms into health clinic 



振聲唱片孕育原民歌手半世紀 ‧ 蛻變之後杏林鴛鴦秀醫德






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