AIESEC國際志工 無米樂:简单的周末
馬來西亞國際志工李微姍同學及香港張同學,透過成大AIESEC ;【自己村落自己救】 菁寮社規師黃永全執行長企劃執行來到了台南市 後壁區 菁寮無米樂社區,協助建構【中英文】「微電影」「網站」,因應大陸觀光客的緊縮,早點協助打開國際觀光客深入台灣農村文化觀光的機會,以利菁寮無米樂農村文化觀光國際行銷成效,且由菁寮社區居民與離鄉遊子自主性與自費參與努力的點點滴滴,以【社會企業】做為政府的標竿,而不是政府的負擔,落實發揮取之於社會,用之於社會的精神。。
台南市後壁區 菁寮社規師黃永全執行長,創立台灣國際農村文化老街觀光經濟促進會,提升台南後壁菁寮無米樂社區國際化,【 自己村落自己救】歡迎大家一起來共襄盛舉,謝謝
When people think about Sunday mornings, they usually think about waking up at10am or even later, and then heading off to brunch or lunch with their friends and family. However, on our first Sunday morning at Wumile, we were woken up by the boss at precisely nine in the morning, as the guests for their two days one nigh trip began to arrive.
Although Sandra and I are both global volunteers from Malaysia and Hong Kong respectively, we share one common thing – we are both city girls. Being city girls, a loud banging at nine in the morning is unheard of and frankly, surprising. However, we decided to get up and see what all the commotion was about. Outside, already starting on their blue printings followed by scarecrow pen decorations, were a family of fourteen. The Pan family was on their annual summer vacation together – a rare sight for a Hong Kong girl, since I barely have any time for my own family. There, they sat, decorating their own pens while Sandra and I helped set up their next activity – decorating hats. Watching their interactions with each other in the morning really brightened up my grumpiness. Perhaps it is the way they spoke to each other, perhaps because of the fact that none of them were on their phones, or perhaps it was because they genuinely enjoyed each other’s company. Either way, I found their interaction very soothing and it was happy scene to be part of it.
We really love their family bond ! Time spent with family is worth every second ❤️
台南市後壁區 菁寮社規師黃永全執行長,創立台灣國際農村文化老街觀光經濟促進會,提升台南後壁菁寮無米樂社區國際化。
無米樂菁寮庄社造規劃導覽文史工作室~荷蘭井湧泉民宿~菁寮社規師社企導覽老師黃永全執行長,企劃全年度~菁寮一日農夫的體驗,自費自主性社區營造,農村再生,嫁妝老街文資導覽,感恩割稻飯,手工DIY,稻米文化館,唯一合法社企無米樂荷蘭井湧泉民宿,菁寮農村生活體驗博物館,伴手禮半日,一日,二日旅遊,來農村百年三合院鄉下住一晚。【 自己村落自己救】歡迎大家一起來共襄盛舉,謝謝