
Shoushan’s macaque wedding ceremony – an appeal for mutual coexistence

2016/08/26 16:20
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At just nine years of age, PhD student in Life Sciences at National Sun Yat-sen University and spokesperson for Taiwan Macaque Chattering Party (台灣獼猴吱吱黨)  Lin Mei-ling(林美吟), began accompanying her father on hikes in Shoushan. On July 31, 2016, Mei-ling held her wedding reception in Shoushan, fulfilling a longtime dream to have macaques bear witness to her marriage. 

To give the general public a better understanding of the natural ecology of macaques and learn how to coexist with them in harmony, Lin-mei and her father Lin Jin-fu (林金福) founded Taiwan Macaque Chattering Party, which leads weekly tours into the mountains and provides a one-hour presentation on macaques.

In addition to her dream that the familial macaques would bear testimony at her marriage, Lin-mei’s other main wish is that the outside world will witness the peaceful coexistence existing between macaque monkeys, thereby overturning longstanding negative views about them and promoting the peaceful coexistance between humans and monkeys.

Shoushan’s macaque wedding ceremony – an appeal for mutual coexistence



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