
Taking a look at Chiayi’s ‘Rockbands’ music festival

2016/08/26 16:16
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The ‘Rockbands’ music festival, which is raised annually by high school students from the districts of Chiayi, is now in its 4th year and going from strength to strength. After graduating from high school the majority of Chiayi students leave the area to further their academic studies. Festival facilitator Lin Ze-cheng (林澤承) said that building a strong bond between the youth and their hometown will hopefully encourage them to return to Chaiyi some day, which is precisely the mission of the music festival. In addition to providing a stage for student bands to perform, many well-known indie bands are also invited in the hope that they will provide encouragement to the up-and-coming younth talent, ensuring that the sound of the new generation is heard.

Just a year ago, members of the Chiayi band ‘Amazing Show’(美秀集團) were part of the audience moshing at the event. They said it was a touching and empowering feeling to experience the love of Chiayi people while standing on stage in their hometown at this year’s event. Yu-xuan (玗玹), lead singer of student band Zombie said that Chiayi is a place where dreams come true, and that to have such events in one’s hometown is simply fantastic. 

Taking a look at Chiayi’s ‘Rockbands’ music festival 









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