
Forest hope for retired teacher

2016/08/16 14:42
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A native of Dacheng Township in Changhua, retired teacher Hong Chun-jing (洪春景) studied in the bustling city of Taipei. After spending more than ten years working in education in the city, Chun-jing’s longing for the natural environment motivated him to apply for a transfer to other elementary schools in the countryside several times. After he retired in July 2008, he began actively participating in planning reforestation activities. In January 2009, Chun-jing began dedicating all of his efforts into three hectares of woodland, where he could transform his aspiration to care for the planet into a practical reality. 

Chun-jing fell in love Taitung’s bucolic natural environment and recorded a wealth of images from the area, especially the magnificent scenery from the Southern Cross-Island Highway. He personally witnessed the devastation Typhoon Morakot wrought on the area in August 2009 as well as the plight of residents in local villages, who sustained great losses. Seeing the destruction to this beautiful landscape he realized that people’s concept of the environment had to change. From teacher to afforestation activist, Hong Chun-jing uses concrete actions to express his deep-held concern for changes to the natural environment.

Forest hope for retired teacher 









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