
The Seedling Experimental School – where diverse curriculum meets nature

2016/07/07 17:50
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At The Seedling Experimental School in New Taipei City’s Wulai District, students can augment compulsory courses with anything they have a passion for, or choose from a selection of different courses according to their interests. During the course, teachers encourage students to get closer to nature and make all kinds of creative toys with materials at hand. Students can also choose their favorite teacher as a mentor, and with fewer students, classes are small with only one class per grade.

What’s more, not only does the school plan its yearly curriculum based around various off-campus activities, unlike conventional schools it also employs teachers that don’t necessarily have a teaching license. The school’s willingness to employ would-be teachers on the strength of a specialized field of expertise or keen sense of self-awareness is aimed at cultivating children with a different kind of vision. During classes everyone must abide by a clear set of rules and regulations, and there is even an educational court, aimed at fostering self-reliance and the ability to interact well in groups. The Seedling Experimental School offers classes outside the confines of textbook formulas and tedious grammar, teaching a combination of innovation and nature, allowing students to enjoy a life outside of textbooks.

The Seedling Experimental School – where diverse curriculum meets nature



種籽親子實驗小學 多元課程結合大自然





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