
Paying tribute to the heroes under the blazing sun

2016/07/07 17:46
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During the month of June, outdoor temperatures fluctuate in and around thirty degrees in Chiayi, where as part of a road-smoothing project, workers are currently in the process of laying the asphalt road. Working fearlessly under the scorching sun, throughout each part of the protracted process – from excavating, mixing and laying the asphalt, to applying the road markings – the sun continues to beat down overhead, while the hot asphalt sears the feet from below.

Drenched in sweat, all of the workers on the enginnering project have no alternative but to tolerate the hardships as a kind of physical endurance training. The reason why they must put up with such high temperatures during construction is that the rain interferes with asphalt laying. This is espcially relevant in southern Taiwan where afternoon thunderstorms are common. As a consequence, construction teams are pitted in a race against time with the sun. So next time you are traveling along on one of these beautifully flat roads, spare a thought for the forgotten heroes working relentlessly under the fierce sun.

Paying tribute to the heroes under the blazing sun 



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