
Xinxiang childcare worker’s stories provide fun at Mennonite’s mini library

2016/07/07 17:42
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Devoted to the promotion of parent-child reading, Sinshan Inter-community Association (新象社區交流協會) has established six mini libraries in the Hualien area, one of which is located at the outpatient area of the Pediatric and Maternity Department, Mennonite Christian Hospital. It is hoped that while waiting to see the doctor parents will be encouraged to select a book and read it with their children.

Since the majority of visitors to pediatric and maternity departments are parents and pre-school children, Sinshan Inter-community Association Director-General Pan Shuang-ti (潘雙荑) realized it would be an ideal place to promote parent-child reading. Using colorful picture books with some guidance activities, not only is it possible to attract children’s interest in the stories, but even parents sitting at the side can’t help but getting involved – parents and children falling together into the wonderful world of stories.

The picture-book stories are extended into simple graphics artwork, and the outpatient’s area is suddenly transformed into an arts and crafts room. After listening to the story, Miss Pan and her assistant give paper, pencils and dot stickers to the children, and without hesitation they begin creating bold and imaginative artwork. Once the children have seen the doctor and the time has arrived to go home, many of them simply don’t want to leave!

Xinxiang childcare worker’s stories provide fun at Mennonite’s mini library 



新象阿姨說故事 門諾小小圖書館添閱讀樂趣







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