
I’m picking up trash in Chengxi shelterbelt and protecting Taiwan’s cicada

2016/06/07 11:45
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As part of an education initiative in the Taijiang area of Tainan, cultural and community NGOs called on the help of over 40 parents and children to clean up the beach and forest in Taijiang National Park. Furthermore, an appeal was made to Tainan City Government to abandon its plans to cut down seven hectares of shelterbelt inside Taijiang National Park, on which it intends to build a landfill site. Saving the shelterbelt will also help protect Taiwan’s indigenous cicada (Taiwanosemia hoppoensis).

Taijiang Branch of Tainan Community University pointed out that Chengxi shelterbelt runs for several kilometers between the mouth of Tseng-wen River and Luerhmen River. Home to Taiwan’s precious indigenous cicada and countless other insects, including the unique partially saltwater-tolerant Asian brackish frog, the shelterbelt protects the precious swamps within Taijiang National Park, which boast a higher biodiversity than mangrove forests. Taijiang River Greenway volunteers contend that instead of cutting down the shelterbelt for a landfill site, the government should instead be planning to establish a conservation park for Taiwan’s indigenous cicada. Hopefully, with the strength of people power we can protect the idyllic Chengxi shelterbelt.

 I’m picking up trash in Chengxi shelterbelt and protecting Taiwan’s cicada









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