
Collective fun and sharing at Gufeng

2016/05/20 16:19
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In a small alley situated in Taipei’s Daan District lies a place called “Gufeng Little White House (古風小白屋)”. The small workshop promotes the concept of recycling and the proper use of materials, creating interesting new items from unwanted houshold bric-a-brac. Combining the physical labor of neighbors to put the idea of recycling into practice, Gufeng Little White House is creating a whole new paradigm in urban aesthetics.

Active participant at Gufeng, Tang Yuan-he (唐園荷) said that the chief of village leased the previously idle building from the army, which with its open space is perfect for neighborhood gatherings, organizing courses and planning activities.

Gufeng Little White House not only provides a space where nearby residents can recycle household items to improve their homes, it also regularly organizes activities to promote green living, tool sharing, community building and other related activities. For example, it recently created a tool rack where all kinds of simple maintenance tools have been integrated into a rack on the interior walls, giving residents easy access. Residents are invited to come and make good use of the tools, giving damaged items from home a new lease of life. At the same time, residents can share their own tools on the communal tool wall, which apart from benefitting oneself through easy storage, also benefits others. Gufeng Little White House has not only become an important hangout for residents to chat and exchange information, it is also playing an important role in sustainably managing the earth’s resources.

Collective fun and sharing at Gufeng 



共有共享 古風里的小小工具室






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