
Cycling to the top of Wuling – Yellow Ribbon leads kids to the ultimate challenge

2016/05/20 16:17
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As the highway point in Taiwan, Wuling (武嶺) is a place where cyclists are forced to smash through their own personal boundaries. Last summer Tainan’s Yellow Ribbon Network Association (台南黃絲帶愛網關懷協會) helped a group of 10 children realize a dream by taking on the daunting 3275 meter Wuling. After a full year of training, the small group of 10-15-year-old children were expert cyclists. With their tiny feet working the pedals hard, each thrust down drew them one step closer to realizing what many deem an impossible mission.

With a dauntingly steep ascend and ever thinning air, the kids were forced to wage an inner battle between body and mind. Despite the exhaustion, with the help of continual encouragment from an accompanying teacher, many of the kids proudly said: “I cycled the whole way without resorting to the backup vehicle”; such was the indefatigable spirit displayed by the young cyclists! In what was a truly touching moment, on finally reached the summit, the kids collapsed exhausted into the warm and tender embrace of their parents and loved ones, who had turned up to surprize their kids. Organizor Tsai Wen-Chung (蔡文鐘) said: “Having parents here to express warm heartfelt wishes and concern for the kids at this most gruelling and important moment will make a deep and indelible mark on the heart of each and every child.” 

Cycling to the top of Wuling – Yellow Ribbon leads kids to the ultimate challenge



單車上武嶺  黃絲帶兒少挑戰極限






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