
Happiness at Happy Farm

2016/05/04 11:43
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Concealed within the lanes off Jiankang Road in Taipei’s Songshan District, a tiny farm is growing all kinds of fruits and vegetables and attracting the interest of passersby. After class, kids like Xiaomei often ask their mother to take them to the farm. Xiaomei’s mother said she began growing vegetables to help with Xiaomei’s homework project. After work, Xiaomei’s father also comes to the farm, where the family water plants and chat together.

Situated in Lane 325 just off Jiankang Road, this urban farm was originally just a piece of neglected land. It was through the assistance of Chief of Village Xu Yan-jian (許顏建) and a number of local representatives, that the land was transformed into a small urban farm. In the afternoon, local residents often take a stroll around the urban farm, chatting and greeting neighbors as they go. With highrise buildings prevailing in the neighborhood, most reisidents were originally strangers to each other, and it wasn’t until the creation of Happy Farm that locals began getting to know each other. Saved from being turned into another parking lot or housing development, this piece of urban land provides neighborhood residents with a much-needed  green oasis for relaxing and gardening.

Happiness at Happy Farm 






健康路325巷的這個都市農園,原本是閒置的空地。經過當地里長許顏建與民意代表的協助,變成鄰里的都市小農園。下午時分,附近住戶來小農園走走當做運動,順便跟鄰居聊聊天打打招呼。這附近都是大樓為主,鄰居們大部份原本都不認識。因為這個快樂農園,大家逐漸熟悉。 一塊小小的都市土地,不當停車場、不蓋房子,經過居民的打造變成都市中的綠洲,也變成鄰里間的休閒園地。



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