
Single parents grow veg at Joy Farm

2016/05/04 11:39
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Hidden amongst the picturesque country lanes of Hualien’s Ji'an Township, hardworking farmers can be seen weeding and harvesting by hand, the produce of which is sent to Taipei for sale. The brainchild of Chu Yan-hua (徐妍花), Zhao Zi-lun (趙子崙) and a number of other single parents, Joy Farm (花田喜事) grows love-filled organic produce that has found a niche in Taiwan’s flourishing organic market. 

Zhao Zi-lun said that he and Chu Yan-hua spent a great deal of time pondering over how to make full use of Hualien’s natural resources and the area’s abundance of fallow land. After finally settling on organic farming, they successfully managed to secure funding from the Ministry of Labour’s Multi-Employment Promotion Program, allowing single parents to make a living through eco-friendly agriculture. Although they are not husband and wife, the deep understanding between Zhao Zi-lun and Chu Yan-hua has helped Joy Farm go from strength to strength.

Single parents grow veg at Joy Farm



花田喜事 單親爸媽把蔬果「嫁」出去






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