
High school students get acquainted with elderly people living alone

2016/04/27 10:28
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HONDAO Senior Citizens Welfare Foundation (弘道老人福利基金會) and Chih Ping Senior High Scout Troop (治平高中明駝童軍社) have collaborated to help celebrate the birthdays of elderly people at HONDAO’s Longtan Branch. Scout troop leader, Zhang Ya-ru (張雅茹) said that since we rarely get the opportunity to spend time with the elderly, this was a wonderful chance to chat and get a better understanding of the lives of senior citizens living alone. Helping to celebrate their birthdays together with community volunteers not only provided a great deal of joy for the elderly residents, it also gave participants a wonderful experience, one which is sure to provide cherished memories lasting long into the future.

During the event, classmate Jiang Jia-wei (江嘉偉) used Hakka to chat with an elderly man living alone, who had formerly suffered a stroke. He said the experience left him with a touch of nostalgia, because in his childhood he used to talk with his grandfather in Hakka. Sadly, with the passing away of his grandfather, the opportunity to hold his grandfather’s hand also faded into history. Jiang Jia-wei said that holding hands with the elderly gentleman at the event was very moving – all those listening to the story were moved to tears. On one hand, the activity allowed this group of senior citizens to feel the youthful spirit of high school students, while on the one hand, it allowed the high school students to learn how to interact with the elderly and experience what it feels like to care for others.

High school students get acquainted with elderly people living alone








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