
Life Walker Coffee – Huang Zi-yun turns his life around

2016/04/19 12:15
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Formerly the owner of a decorating company, Huang Zi-yun (黃紫雲) became homeless after people maliciously failed to pay their debts. At an “Experience Homeless Life” activity, he met Liu Yi-long (劉一龍), assistant professor at Fu Jen Catholic University’s Department of Social Work. Liu Yi-long found Huang Zi-yun to have an earnest and responsible attitude and after several meetings set his mind on helping him raise financial resources to set up a business.

Liu Yi-long said that when he took part in the “Experience Homeless Life” activity as an observer, he found Huang Zi-yun to be different from other homeless people. Concerned about students’ exposure to cold during their overnight stay in the park, Huang Zi-yun not only caringly gathered cardboard boxes and newspapers to keep them warm, he also stayed awake the whole night in order to ensure the students’ safety. “When I got home I started thinking about how to help Huang Zi-yun,” Liu Yi-long said laughingly.

After a long period of communication and observation, Liu Yi-long began to understand the plight of Huang Zi-yun, and proposed to assist him. He decided that selling coffee via a mobile coffee cart would not only help Huang Zi-yun increase his financial resources, but also bring him much-needed human interaction and a sense of accomplishment. An enthusiastic response following proposing the idea on an online fund-raising platform gave birth to “Life Walker Coffee”, helping Huang turn the page to a new and happier chapter of his life.


Life Walker Coffee – Huang Zi-yun turns his life around 



路行者咖啡 黃紫雲逆轉人生







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