200 people assist elementary school students in Taijiang realize community dream
Cooperating to form a formidable 200-person workforce, Taijiang Branch of Tainan Community University (台南社大台江分校), Hai-wei Tsao-Huang Temple (海尾朝皇宮), 50 volunteers from Gongqin Village, and the teachers and students from three schools – Andian Elementary School (安佃國小), Ying-hai High School (瀛海中學及) and Ho Shun Junior High School (和順國中) – have jointly helped the young students of Chang-an Elementary School realize their dream. The children put forward a proposal entitled “Gongqin Village Irrigation Canal Mural”(彩繪公親寮水圳故事牆), calling on everyone to come together and protect Taijiang river. Taijiang Branch of Tainan Community University said that in 2014, the community of teachers and students at Chang-an Elementary School proposed “Water, Water, Chang-an” as part of a humanities case study of Taijiang catchment basin.
In the hope that a mural might raise awareness about the irrigation canal and help protect Taijiang catchment basin, the children researched the culture of Gongqin Village Irrigation Canal (公親寮拜溪墘) and collated stories about it as part of a small project. One of the students at Changan Elementary School, Wen Shi-ya (翁詩雅), said that the riverbank used to be a dull place, the road splattered with betel nut juice, and the area littered with cigarette butts, etc. It is hoped that in the future people will attach more importance to the environment and help beautify it, and that the levee walls skirting the Zengwun River watershed and Hai-Liao branch will also be gradually painted.
200 people assist elementary school students in Taijiang realize community dream