
Helping to find a lasting home for Tin-Fun through fun and joy

2016/03/16 17:49
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PeoPo推 1

On February 29, 2016, Taoyuan Mike Mountaineering Climbing Club (桃園市麥克家族開創協會) invited various volunteers and organizations in the music field to Tin-Fun Special Education Home (庭芳啟智教養院), which is located in Taoyuan’s Daxi District. In addition to prizes, there was also a whole host of wonderful singing and dancing performances, bringing the spirit of joy and merriment to patients at Tin-Fun. 

Chairman and founder of Tin-Fun Special Education Home, Xie Qian-fan (謝乾芳) said that following a subsidy reduction by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the institution’s financial situation has deteriorated and is facing difficulties. Moreover, a high degree of difficulty in the work, coupled with relatively low salaries, means that recruiting staff can be challenging. Although the center is designed to house 55 patients, it is currently only able to provide proper care for 52. In spite of this, the county and city governments have a never-ending line of patients in need of the facilities. For example, two patients from New Taipei City have been waiting for 2 years, but the center is still unable to house them.

At Tin-Fun Special Education Home, some of the patients are without any family, and the home is their only refuge. In light of the fact that the home is located on land rented from Yang's Ancestral Hall (楊氏宗祠) and faces relocation at the end of its 10-year tenancy, it is hoped public assistance can be found to secure Tin-Fun a true and lasting home. 

Helping to find a lasting home for Tin-Fun through fun and joy



歡樂滿庭芳 & 幫庭芳找到屬於自己完整的家







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