
Returning to the beautiful and simple days of Wanjin Catholic Church

2016/03/09 11:21
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Located in Wanjin Village, Wanluan Township, Pingtung County, Wanjin Basilica (萬金聖母聖殿), also known as Wanjin Catholic Church (萬金天主堂), is the oldest catholic church in Taiwan. With around 70 devoted catholic residents in the village, the streets of Wanjin are adorned with a rich array of colorful Christian-style murals and displays. 

Chen Yu-xin (陳玉馨), from Wanjin Red Earth Village No.3 (萬金紅土庄3號), a backpackers guesthouse, spent her childhood years growing up in the vicinity of Wanjin Catholic Church. Though she left the area for a brief period of time while pursuing her studies and finding employment, she eventually decided to quit her job and return home, at which time she decided to renovate her old family house into a backpackers guesthouse. In spite of this, in her heart of hearts, Chen Yu-xin feels that Wanjin is no longer the village of her youth.

In recent years, Wanjin Catholic Church has become one of Pingtung’s most famous tourist attractions, especially in the month of December, when Christmas celebrations and the annual Feast of Mother of Immaculate Conception (主保堂慶) take place, a time in which the village streets are literally transformed into a sea of people. Though the crowds provide an influx of much-needed money into the local economy, this small village must brace itself each year for what is a powerful assault on the community.

Returning to the beautiful and simple days of Wanjin Catholic Church










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